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The Tiger's Innocent Bride: Howls Romance (Sylvan City Alphas Book 1) Page 12
The Tiger's Innocent Bride: Howls Romance (Sylvan City Alphas Book 1) Read online
Page 12
Small pockets of civil unrest lit up the 911 city map like the Geminid Meteor Shower on the wall map at Police Headquarters, and the officers who represented the city were beginning to show cracks in their unified front.
Officer Samuels set the radio handpiece back into its cradle as Devlin turned on their sirens and lights.
“You going to be ready for this?”
Devlin sat forward in the driver’s seat, looking for pedestrians before he turned. Turning the wheel with steady hands, they turned down the side street heading for the call. “Is that a trick question?”
The shopfronts and trees flew past them.
“I’m serious, Kerr. You going to be fair on this?”
“You got a problem? Hurry up and come clean so ‘this’ doesn’t blow up in our faces.”
The silence was biting in the police car.
Devlin wasn’t going to play whatever game Officer Samuel had on his mind. “You have three,” Paxton Lane whizzed by, “two blocks to speak your peace.”
“The call said it was one of your guys causing the trouble. You going to put him down or side with him?”
Something like bile washed up over Devlin’s tongue. “Put him down? What the hell are you talking about?”
Samuels turned on his seat and his glare heated Devlin’s skin. “When we get there, and you see what he’s doing. I want to know that you’ll do what you need to do to protect the humans.”
Devlin’s grip on the steering wheel threatened to bend it out of shape. “Where do you get off saying that? We do the same thing we’re trained to do. De-escalate, contain, assess, and protect.”
Samuels scoffed and drummed his knuckles on the inside panel of the passenger door. “You just keep saying that.” He looked out the window, deadening the sound of his voice. “We should just put the animal in the cage.”
“The animal?” Devlin didn’t need Samuels to confirm his words. He knew what the man meant, and it was something he’d heard before from other people. “It’s all about perspective then,” he admitted, “I’ve seen you acting like a jackass. I’ll be happy to drop you off at a farm on the way back to the station.”
There wasn’t time for Samuels to offer his own comeback. The fight was now in the street up ahead and as soon as Devlin could stop the squad car, he was out of the vehicle, approaching the conflict.
“What’s going on, folks?”
Samuels ran up to the front of the squad car and pulled out his gun to point it at the head of the man in the middle of the conflict. “Step away from the woman, you son of a bitch!”
The three in the center of the action had different reactions to the officers. The man in the middle didn’t move at all. He kept his gaze on the man with the switchblade in his hand. “It ain’t me you should point that gun at,” he held his hands at shoulder height, showing them to be empty, “he’s the one who’s dangerous!”
Samuels kept his focus and his gun pointed at the man in the middle, he didn’t waver, even as the woman behind him clung to the man’s shirt, shouting at the officer that he was the one protecting her.
At one point, Devlin looked over, a quick movement that didn’t take longer than a heartbeat, but it was enough to make his stomach twist. Samuels was fixated on the scene ahead of him, his breathing puffing in and out of his lungs, his skin covered in a thin sheen of sweat.
It scared Devlin, gave him a hard, stabbing pain in his side as he struggled with the situation. He needed his partner to work with him, but now he was worried that he now had another armed threat to contain.
And then it was the fearless… or rather selfless action of the woman that managed to defuse the entire situation. She stepped up beside the man who had been shielding her, and became his protector.
She faced Officer Samuels, putting herself in between the officer and the man in the middle. “Please,” she begged, even as Devlin drew in a breath, “Forrest was just trying to protect me from my husband.”
She had welts on the side of her face that had been hidden in the shadows until that moment, she favored her side with a wince and a hissed breath. A quick look at the man holding the knife, showed the flash of the blade in his left hand. He was the one responsible for her injuries and the dark shadows under her eyes, the haunted look in them, said this wasn’t a first time at all.
Her husband wasn’t going to make it easy. His knife held in his white-knuckled hand, he gestured to the man standing in the middle of the street with his hands up in surrender. “He’s going to get what’s coming to him.”
Forrest, a slim man a good twenty to thirty pounds lighter than the woman’s husband, stared at him with disdain. “I’ll take you, Boyd. With a knife, or with your bare hands, you’re no match for me. I can take it, but leave your wife alone, man. She’s a good woman.”
“And you would know.”
Devlin saw the poor woman start to cry, large glistening tears. He knew he wouldn’t get any help from Samuels. The man was fighting his own demons. Edging forward, using the escalating drama as cover, he moved behind the man with the knife, and while everyone was focused on the tears from the man-handled woman he used a little added speed to take hold of the man from the back and applied enough pressure to the inside of his wrist to loosen his hold on the weapon that fell, clattering onto the asphalt.
The man offered enough of a fight to rile his tiger, but Devlin kept a tight hold on his own temper. Pulling the man’s hands behind him, Devlin lowered him down to his knees.
His partner was still holding his weapon on Forrest. The man was big, and it hadn’t taken Devlin more than an indrawn breath to know that he was a shifter, just as dispatch had related to them over the radio. Tentatively, he scented a wolf, had a distinct image of a dark grey pelt with inky black tips. He could also scent the anger in the man, but not rage. He held his emotions tightly to his vest.
Forrest’s eyes were on his partner, the gun held in his shaking hand. “You going to get your partner under control?”
Devlin nearly bared his fangs to the other shifter as he quickly slapped the cuffs on the man in his control. Leaning forward he spoke to the man. “Sit here. Quietly. Move and I just might put you and Forrest in the back of my car and walk away.”
The man spat a few choice words at Devlin, but he made no move to get up or even lift his head.
Leaving him on the ground, Devlin walked up to his partner, edging in front of his weapon. He could almost hear the silence when he got home to Paige later that night, but he had to do this. Not just to save the shifter behind him, but his partner’s career. “Samuels.”
“Move out of the way!” Samuels’ tone was strained, sweat dripping down the side of his face. “He’ll jump you. He’ll rip you to shreds.”
While he continued to mutter under his breath, Devlin took hold of the barrel of the gun and lifted it slowly toward the sky. He watched Samuels loosen his hold on his gun, his finger dropping away from the trigger guard, and let out a breath.
Taking the gun into his control, Devlin set a hand on Samuels’ shoulder. “I’ve got this, man. Go sit in the car and I’ll take care of this until you’ve got yourself together.”
Samuels nodded, slowly, and then shook his head in disbelief as Devlin gave him back his gun. Samuels put it back into its holster and secured his weapon. “I’m good to help.”
Devlin hesitated, looked back at the handcuffed man and then at his battered wife. “Go ahead, put the husband in the car, I’ll take care of the others.”
Samuels didn’t argue. He acted like the wind had been taken from his sails and he’d been left to paddle himself ashore. It took some effort, but the other officer moved off to take control of the husband and move him toward the cruiser.
When he made his way to the man’s wife, Forrest already had her on her feet. Checking her injuries. The shifter looked up at him for a moment. “You’re Devlin, from the news.”
Devlin didn’t hear condemnation in the oth
er shifter’s tone. “Yeah.”
Forrest shrugged. “I bet you’re getting more than your share of crap.”
A smile managed to tug at the corners of his mouth. “Some folks would say I haven’t paid enough.” He set aside the odd feelings inside of him and turned to the woman. “Ma’am. Would you like me to call you an ambulance? Or perhaps a friend to take you?”
She stopped herself from shaking her head, wincing slightly. “I’ve got ice in the freezer. And if I need more, plenty of frozen veggies.”
“Well, we’ll need to take your statement so we can finish our report and file charges.”
Devlin watched her balk at the idea, but before he could produce his usual argument, Forrest beat him to it.
“Izzy, you should go to the ER. The doctor’s report will be helpful to the officers.”
She looked at her husband in the back of the squad car, his gaze focused down toward the floor. “I know I should,” her hesitation was obvious.
Devlin gave her an encouraging smile. “I can come to the ER and take your statement there if you’re worried about your husband.”
Her eyes watered again. “That would be best,” she reached out and set her hand on Forrest’s arm, “he really was protecting me, but Boyd is so jealous. I was so afraid and then Forrest stepped in.”
Another siren split the air, startling Izzy. An ambulance worked its way through the curious and milling crowd and Forrest leaned down toward her shoulder. “I want them to check you over and I’ll stay with you at the ER until the officer arrives to take your statement.”
Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a couple of cards. Handing them both to Forrest, Devlin sought to reassure them. “This is my card, call me if you need anything. I’ll be over as soon as I drop your husband off at the station for Officer Samuels to process him.”
Izzy tried to smile, but the darkening bruise on her cheek turned it into a wince. “Thank you.”
“Just take care of yourself, ma’am. I’ll see you soon.”
Paige was almost relieved when she arrived at home before Devlin. The private security guards that her father had hired, had followed her up to the gate and then to the front door, waiting for her to check the alarm and then the perimeter of the property before leaving for the evening.
Opening the refrigerator, she picked out a few ingredients to make a simple meal. It had been almost a week since she’d learned she was pregnant and even though she was still in the early stages, she was tiring easily. The doctor had reassured her that it was to be expected and had told her to take it easy and listen to her body.
And listening to her body was easy. She’d felt the odd stirrings of sensation in her chest as if something had taken to pacing within her. When she was hungry, she ate. When she was tired, she rested.
But that wasn’t the part of her life that was the most confusing for her.
Her personality was changing. No, she shook her head, she was still the same person. Pausing as she snapped the ends off the green beans, she felt the corner of her mouth quirk up in a half-grin.
Earlier in the day, she’d been surprised to have an unexpected visitor. Dr. Kessler hadn’t even bothered to knock on the door when he entered the office.
“Morning, Paige.” While she greeted him, he crossed the room and set his bag down on the edge of the desk.
“Morning, Dr. Kessler. My father’s out at a meeting with the Councilmembers. He probably won’t be back for the rest of the day.”
“That’s fine, Paige. I’m actually here to see you.” He opened the top of his bag and withdrew his stethoscope and blood pressure cuff. “I thought it would be a good idea to see how you’re doing.”
She’d looked up from the statement draft that she was working on and shook her head. “I’m fine, really. Just busy with my work.”
Dr. Kessler put the earpieces of the stethoscope into his ears and moved closer. “Can’t be too careful with a woman in your condition.”
That had taken her by surprise. “When did my father tell you?”
“Last night after he was finished with his meetings. We had dinner and drinks together at the club. Let’s take a listen to your heart.”
He reached for the neckline of her blouse and she pushed back from the desk. “I’m fine.”
His smile was a bit too tight to put her at ease. “Paige, I’ve been your doctor since you were a little girl.”
“You were the family’s doctor, but I have my own doctor watching over me now-”
“And his name?” He rubbed the stethoscope’s diaphragm on his dress shirt.
“My new doctor’s a woman,” she couldn’t help the pointed tone of her voice. It always bothered her that most people assumed that doctors were men. “She’s well versed in pregnancies like mine and I think we’re a good match.”
“Pregnancies like yours,” Dr. Kessler repeated, his tone dropping off at the end. “You mean she’s a doctor that treats shapeshifters.”
“Well, she treats everyone, doctor, but yes, she has a number of shapeshifter patients.”
Dropping the end of the stethoscope, letting it swing past the slight paunch of his stomach, Doctor Kessler reached for a pen from the cup on her father’s desk. “You should give me her name and phone number, so we can consult on your care.”
Paige waved him off, closing the folder she had open on the desk. “There’s no need for that. You can just have someone drop my medical files off here, or perhaps you could bring them the next time you come over to see my father.” Standing up from the desk she swung her bag up and over her shoulder, and then she tucked the folder under her arm. “Thanks for thinking of me,” she managed to keep her tone even, “but Devlin and I haven’t made anything public knowledge yet. We just told my father because… well, he’s my father. I hope you’ll understand that we don’t want this-”
“In the news?” He shook his head and laughed. “Oh, my dear, I have no intention whatsoever of letting this information get into the wrong hands.”
Paige started for the door, but Dr. Kessler took hold of her arm and kept her close to his side.
“I’m a good doctor, Paige. I’ve kept your father hale and healthy all these years. I helped him through your mother’s death and the stress of the campaign. You’d best keep that in mind when you’re thinking of your own health. I am a dedicated man.”
Nodding, she gave him a ghost of a smile. “I know you are, doctor, but this is my choice. My father is a little leery of my decision, but he also understands that I can make my own choices.”
Turning slightly, she edged back, forcing him to let go of her arm or hurt her in the process. Once free of his hold she felt the worry that crawled up her spine fade away. She made it almost to the door before she stopped, but this time it was because she wanted to. “Dr. Kessler?”
He dropped the stethoscope back into his bag and looked over his shoulder at her.
“Thank you for your concern, but I can take care of this myself. Don’t you worry.” She smoothed a hand over her belly, the same unconscious gesture she’d likely made more than a dozen times that day. “We’ll be just fine.”
The memory replayed in her head as she finished the preparations for dinner. One pot meals were going to be her friend for the next few months.
The door opened at the front of the house and she heard the soft electronic beeps that told her Devlin was disengaging the alarm, and then resetting it after he closed the door.
It was mere moments before Devlin stepped up behind her and set his hands on her hips. He pressed a kiss on the side of her neck over her mark. “Smells good.”
She sighed and leaned back against him, noticing all too easily the hard ridge of his erection cradled against her backside. “Is it the chicken?” she asked him. “It still needs a good forty-five minutes before it’s ready to eat.”
Devlin’s lips pressed a line of kisses up her neck before his teeth nipped at
the shell of her ear. “I’m talking about you, Paige.”
She felt a soft shudder of anticipation roll through her body. “I was hoping,” she sighed as one hand moved from her hip, smoothing around to lay flat against her belly, “but I wasn’t going to assume.”
His other hand slipped lower, his fingers skimming over her mound before sliding lower, tracing his middle finger between her thighs. Devlin’s tongue lapped at the sting he’d just left on her skin.
“How long until dinner is ready?”
She gasped as his fingers curled between her legs, turning her knees to jelly. “I… umm-”
“How hungry are you, babe?”
Her stomach answered the question, growling in the relative silence of the kitchen.
Devlin turned her in his arms and pressed a kiss to her lips, threading his fingers through her hair, and backing her up against the counter with one thigh pressed tightly between her legs. She felt him pull his lips from hers. “We need to feed you, Paige. I need to take care of you and our cub, first.”
She widened her legs and gasped as his hard thigh pushed higher between her legs and her hands fisted in his shirt. “We will feed our cub, Dev, but I’m hungry for you too.”
His hands swept over her form, lightly smoothing his fingers and palms alternately over her curves and silken skin. “Don’t you worry, Paige. I’ll fill you up.” To illustrate his promise, his hands took hold of her waist and lifted her up onto the kitchen counter, far enough from the stove so that they didn’t have to worry.
Paige wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss, her lips slanting over his. “I’m not worried, Dev. I know you’ll take care of me,” she breathed him in as he stepped in against her, his hardened cock pressing between her legs from behind his uniform blues. Slipping her tongue into his mouth to duel with his, she enjoyed the growl that curled up through his throat, vibrating along her skin.
She leaned her head back to gasp as Devlin’s hands found her breasts, palming them through the soft fabric of her blouse.
“More,” she begged in a soft gasp, “please, more.”