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Her UnBearable Protector (Paranormal Bearshifter Romance) Howls Romance Page 16

  The sounds around her were mixed in with each other in a raucous tumble of noise.

  She was vaguely aware that Davis was still talking, but she was concentrating on keeping her feet under her and shaking off the unsettling feeling that she had made a horrible mistake.

  The ground dropped out from underneath her foot and she reached out her hand for something to hold onto. She felt an arm under her hand and heard a muttered curse in response. “Keep your damn hands to yourself, lady.”

  “Davis?” She froze and someone nudged her from behind, nearly pitching her forward.

  “Sorry, we’re going down the stairs.”

  She started to move again. “Just let me know when we reach a landing or some other change.”

  Davis tugged her closer, making her unbalanced feelings even worse. “I forgot.”

  “You don’t have to live with it,” she felt her teeth gnash together as her foot hit the ground before she was ready for it. The stairs had run out.

  “We’re on the landing.”

  She managed a smile. “Thanks, figured that out.”

  She followed him through the unfamiliar chamber, trying to pick out the individual noises around her, all while managing to stay on her feet, hoping for a moment to stop so she could take out her cane. But Davis tugged her along and somehow, they got through a turnstile and down a hallway to another set of stairs.

  As they descended, she smelled oil, metal, other scents that she was hoping not to name. When she’d said she wanted to try the subway, she’d meant ‘at her leisure,’ but Davis kept them moving along, down the stairs to another landing.

  She heard announcements now, lines & delays barked out from tinny speakers, much of it gibberish.

  “We’re nearly there,” Davis mentioned, “just a little bit longer.”

  Allegra breathed a sigh of relief, her stomach was in a tight knot. Unfamiliar circumstances ratcheted up her anxiety, and the crush of people didn’t help. It only brought back memories. Horrible, painful memories.

  She felt something touch the back of her neck and her fingers dug into Davis’ arm. “Can we stop for a moment?”

  “Sure, sure,” she could hear his distracted tone of voice and knew that was the last thing he wanted. “But just a minute, a train is coming.”

  The warning meant nothing to her. She didn’t understand what that meant.

  “Goodness,” he sighed beside her, “my arm is a little hot.”

  She took that cue and let go of him, grateful for the respite. Her palms were itching from the rough wool of his coat.

  “When the train comes we’re going to have to jump on.”

  Allegra nodded, murmuring into the crush of sound. “Sure, just tell me when.” She was hoping he’d remember to take her arm, but for the moment she reached into her coat and unfolded her cane just to hold the familiar handle for a few moments. With the shifting masses around her, she worried that she’d just end up hitting someone and causing trouble.

  And then the thought melted away.

  Somewhere above the cacophony of noise and grinding metal, she heard a mournful sound. The rest of the world fell away as she tilted her head toward the sound and heard the slightest scratch of a bow on strings, but the resulting sound was more of a human voice, lilting and wavering in an echo that reverberated in her chest. She heard the sound like a ribbon twisting through the air, felt the longing as a physical tug on her heart.

  And then the sound was closer, tighter around her, and Allegra felt her feet moving beneath her. She froze and turned her head, an instinct that no longer worked for her, no longer helped. Her eyes were as dark as the worry that seized her heart. “Davis?”

  The crowd continued to shift around her and she held out a hand to find his arm. “Davis!” Her voice scratched from her throat as her fear tightened around her heart. “Where are you?”

  She felt something under her hand and then something swatted her away. “Buzz off, lady.”

  “Sorry, I’m looking for-”

  “Watch where you’re going!” Someone bumped into her from behind. Her cane was the only thing that kept her on her feet. “Get out of the way!”

  She couldn’t answer back. Didn’t they understand that she didn’t want to be in the way? Didn’t they see, even though she couldn’t?

  Someone grabbed her elbow, steadying her. “Come with me.” They didn’t wait for a reply, pulling her along with them through the crowd.

  Allegra struggled to keep on her feet as she managed to match the pace he set. “Please, I just need some help finding my friend.”

  “You don’t need him.”

  She tensed at the tone, smug, aggressive.

  “Come with me.”

  She didn’t feel reassured at his words. Instead, she felt even more confused. “I need to get home.”

  They came to an abrupt stop. He pressed her up against a wall. She felt the uneven surface at her back and started to pull away, but he wouldn’t let her go. One hand grabbed at her wrist before the other let go of her elbow and tugged the cane free from her hand. “Tell me your address, I’ll make sure you get there.”

  “I don’t know you.” Allegra shook her head and felt a rush of air on her face as if something was waved back and forth near her nose.

  His laugh made her shiver. “You really can’t see.”

  Allegra trembled, her knees locked up, pressing her back against the wall. “No, I can’t, but-”

  Something pressed between her legs, a thigh from the feel of it. She drew in a breath to scream and choked on the acrid smell of cheap cologne.

  A hand covered her mouth, a finger pressed under her nose, cutting off her air. “Just stand there. No one can see us here.”

  She had a hand free but she couldn't think. She couldn't manage a single breath.

  “I could choke you right here.” She heard him laugh and felt tears gather on her lashes. “But I don't want to, not unless you make me.”

  He shoved his leg closer, if that was even possible, lifting her higher until her toes barely touched the ground.

  She heard a soft clink of metal and the heavy rush of leather. A belt opening. The zing of a metal zipper pulling apart. A harsh sigh of relief from a stranger’s lips.

  “That's right, baby,” she smelled his fetid breath on her skin, “you just stand right there.”

  Allegra felt a rush of warm air on her knee, the soft whisper of her skirt being lifted from her thigh. “Please, no.”

  “It’ll only take a minute.”

  No. Her mouth moved but she'd been robbed of her voice. It wouldn't last a minute. It would be another waking nightmare that she'd carry with her. She struggled to turn her mind off and save herself from the pain, but all she could do was feel. Allegra tensed as his fingers reached higher, squeezing his hand against his thigh.

  “You better stop-”

  “I agree,” another voice pierced through the darkness, “you had better stop. Release the lady now.” He didn't raise his voice, didn't shout, but the man’s voice cut through her fear and gave her a sliver of hope to hold onto. “If I have to make you,” he promised, his voice filled with cold intent, “you’ll regret it.”

  Allegra felt the menace in the man’s tone, but it didn't frighten her.

  It did make the other man angry.

  “Well,” he huffed, leaning into Allegra’s body, pushing the air from her lungs, “make me.”

  The feeling came as a rush. One moment she was frozen, held breathless against the wall. The next moment she staggered free, feeling an arm fall around her shoulders, holding her securely.

  Allegra didn't know what to say, or even if she should say anything. Her father's voice echoed in her head, telling her she'd likely gone, ‘from the frying pan into the fryer.’

  The supportive arm tucked her into the man’s side. She felt him tremble against her, but couldn't determine if it was fear or rage that coursed through him. “Are you hurt?”

  She leaned into the
hand that touched her cheek. “N- no,” she licked her lips in a nervous gesture, “just scared.” She took a breath. “Thankful.”

  Allegra reached into her pocket.

  “You don't need your phone,” he told her, “I'll take you anywhere you want to go.”

  He stepped away until she could only feel his hand on her shoulder. A moment later she felt him press something into her hand.

  “My cane.” Shifting the grip in her hand she gave the floor an explorative tap and nodded. It was in working condition. “Thank you.” A shuffle of sound drew her attention and she leaned into the gentleman. “Is he still there?” She couldn’t help the wavering tone of her voice.

  “He’s gone.” She heard a moment of disappointment in his tone at first, and then a hint of savage satisfaction. “I’ll hunt him down later.”

  She shivered. “I don’t want to be near him ever again.”

  Suddenly, she was in his arms. She felt the strength of his gentle embrace, his size didn’t frighten her, it felt like a shield instead. She drew in a breath and smelled a hint of sandalwood mixed with other subtle scents that drew her closer.

  Allegra felt his breath tickle the edge of her ear and the shivers going through her body were pleasant instead of fearful as they had been a few moments before. “He’ll never get near you again.” She heard the earnest tone of his voice and felt a warm rush through her body. “I won’t let him,” she felt a gentle kiss of sensation on her cheek, the soft scratch of a trimmed beard, “I need you to know that.”

  She shook her head, struggling to understand the instant rapport she felt with him. “I,” she swallowed the knot in her throat and lifted her free hand between them, setting it on his chest, “I believe you, but I don’t know why.” A line pinched between her brows, as she tilted her head back, wishing she could see his face. “You’re holding me and I’m not afraid of you.” She heard the wonder in her own voice and felt a warm blush flood her cheeks. “I just don’t understand.”

  He leaned toward her, the scent of sandalwood strengthening with his movement, the caress of his warm breath against her cheek.

  “You know me, somewhere deep down inside, and I know you.”

  “You,” her words tripped over her thoughts, “you know me?”

  “Stellina,” she heard the depth of emotion in his voice and she let it wash over her with a sense of wonder, “I’ve always known you were somewhere in the world. That I’ve found you underground makes me feel a bit like Orpheus.”

  The mention of the tragic hero in Greek mythology gave her a secret thrill. She’d had a connection to his story from the time she’d been plunged into her own dark hell. “The only difference,” she found a new strength as she spoke, “is that you have no fear that I’ll look back when you lead me out of here. There’s nothing to look back on for me.”

  She heard a soft chuff of laughter and leaned closer trying to decipher the odd scratch of sound. Allegra felt him take hold of her free hand and set it on his arm. The fine wool under her hand invited her hand to explore, but she held back, touching the tip of her cane to the ground before her feet.

  “But your name,” she hesitated to ask, feeling like she might break the spell he’d wound around her, “isn’t Orpheus, is it?”

  Allegra couldn’t see his face, but she imagined that there was a smile on his lips.

  “Valerio,” he offered the name and she found herself repeating it in her head. “Valerio Orsino. And you?”

  It was only fair, she decided, he’d saved her from danger. The least she could do was give him her name in exchange. Before she spoke, she felt his fingers trace over the back of her hand, lightly rolling the silver chain bracelet that encircled her wrist. “I’m Allegra Hidalgo, and I’d like to thank you for helping me.”

  He lifted the chain from her skin and she felt it trace the tender skin on the inside of her wrist like a caress. “I couldn’t let him hurt you,” he replied, “I won’t let anyone hurt you ever again.”

  As they began to move, she didn’t feel the tight press of people around her, didn’t feel jostling elbows or hear muttered curses. If she didn’t know better, she’d think that people on the subway platform were stepping aside to give them a wide berth as they walked through the station. Perhaps they sensed the wild strength in Valerio like she did.

  As they mounted the stairs together, Valerio guided her with gentle touches and soft words. She noted the tenderness in his manners and felt his strength beneath her hand. He said he wouldn’t let anyone hurt her, and the hopeless romantic in her believed him.

  He’d called her his star, maybe he could be the same for her. After all these years, he might just be the light in her darkness.

  “His UnBearable Touch” will be released in October 2017

  About the Author

  Love - Romance - Books

  Aren't they all the same thing?

  Oh, I sure hope so!

  I've been reading romance books for what seems like forever. When I was a teen, the days that I wasn't in dance class after school I'd go to the mall to wait for my mom to finish work for the day and my haunt of choice... the book store.

  Whether it was Scottish Lairds, Medieval Knights, Regency Gents, Rough and Tumble Cowboys, or handsome modern Heroes, I loved them all! There was always another hero and heroine to follow through page after page of breathless love!

  I really hope that my readers will enjoy some of the same thrills as discover characters to love between the pages of my books.

  For More Information about Reina

  Howls Romance Series Links

  Howls Romance

  Classic romance… with a furry twist!

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  Hunted by the Dragon Duke by Mina Carter

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  The Wolf's Royal Baby by Milly Taiden

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  Her Scottish Wolf by Theodora Taylor

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  Her Unbearable Protector by Reina Torres

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