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Justice for Hildie Page 3
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Page 3
“First,” she bit out the word, “I know what you are. That sexy star you’ve got hooked on your belt is recognizable anywhere. Second, there is no way in heaven or on earth that I qualify to be called ‘ma’am.” She drew herself up, adding at least an inch to her height. “And third,” he could almost see her wagging her finger at him in her head, “I’m not going to tell you what you can do with your duty. I will be just fine.”
With that decree, she gave him a sharp nod and got up onto her feet.
One minute, she was making a big exit like Norma Desmond in Sunset Boulevard, and the next she was one velvet curtain-dress away from Carol Burnett tumbling down the staircase in her Gone With the Wind skit.
Nightmare-like flashes of falling face-first onto the cold marble floor made her cry out in shock.
And even though she was sure she was destined to be the next viral video online; she was shocked into a silent gasp when she realized she wasn’t going to flatten her nose on the courthouse floor.
She was still amazingly upright, and in the arms of Jake McGowan.
Texas Ranger Jake McGowan.
Tall, gorgeous, and with what she was sure were Greek God-like muscles under those clothes of his. Oh, sure, she’d never seen what he had going on under his customary Ranger wear, but she had an imagination. And that imagination was really active and practically, perfectly in lust with him.
Held securely against his body, she had a chance to confirm her suspicions. His arms must look fabulous out of his suit coats and long sleeve shirts. The way he’d caught her and pulled her closer was indecently hot. And she had to admit that while her stumble had probably left him wondering if she had two left feet, it had given her a taste of what it felt like to be in his arms.
It hadn’t done a single thing to squelch her crush.
Nope. Now that she felt the security and warmth of his embrace, she knew what she couldn’t have.
So, that saying, the one about, ‘it’s better to have loved and lost,’ it was completely opposite in this case.
Knowing that she needed to trip herself up to feel his touch? There was only so much stumbling she was capable of before she knocked herself out cold.
Extracting herself from his embrace was horrible. Trying to straighten up and pull away would have been enough torture, but trying to look and feel graceful while she was doing it?
She would have better luck with entering a yo-yo contest.
At least there was half a chance she’d entertain people when she knocked herself out cold.
Using a good bit of her stubborn energy to put enough distance between them so she wasn’t tempted to lean closer and enjoy the scent of his skin, she knew he wasn’t going to let her go anywhere without him.
While that would be an aces kind of dream in her book, the last thing she wanted to be to Jake was an obligation.
“You don’t need to watch out for me. Really.”
The look in his eyes was unmoved by her smile and cheery tone of voice.
“I can call Sloane and go over… maybe not.”
He’d expected the suggestion, but he hadn’t anticipated her nay saying the idea herself.
“I’d have to tell her what happened, and she’d get Vicente to take me to the ER. Then she’d insist on coming along. She doesn’t need that kind of worry or strain.”
Hildie shook her head and winced.
“Hey,” Jake was at her shoulder, one hand on her elbow and the other holding her hand. “What’s wrong?”
She waved it off like she did everything else. People couldn’t count on her if she couldn’t be strong, couldn’t hold herself together.
And she wanted people to count on her.
She wanted to count, too.
She knew she could rattle off any number of patented Hildie-like phrases and wave off his concern, but there was something in his voice that gentled the wild rush of her mind.
Something that made her feel important enough to be the focus of a man like Jake.
The way he said her name, so full of concern and worry? What woman could resist?
“I’m okay, I promise. I think it’s just all the excitement, and I left my apartment in a rush so I didn’t get to eat something before I came to court.”
“We can take care of that.”
Gently taking a hold of her arm, Jake gestured toward the door at the end of the hallway.
Hildie had already taken a handful of steps before she could manage to give voice to the question in her head. “Where are we going?”
He spared her a glance and continued to walk, holding her arm securely. “We’re going to get you something to eat, and then we’re going to make sure you rest.”
“We?” she grumbled. “I don’t recall putting you in charge of me.”
He stopped at the corner and looked down into her eyes.
He had the most beautiful eyes.
“Hildie? Are you okay?”
“Hmm?” She startled as if waking up from a nap, exhausted instead of refreshed. “What did you say?”
“You are going to be the death of me, Hildie Faraday.”
“Me?” She gave him a head to toe and back again look over. “I doubt I could cause you much damage. Maybe a hard kick to the shins if you got fresh with me. Or a slap. It would depend on if we were standing or sitting, but other than that you have the advantage on me in size and strength.”
Size and strength.
What possessed her to say the words?
Because now that she’d said them, they were in her head.
She was going to blame it on the adrenaline, because her mind and her hands, and a bunch of other parts of her wanted to test out all of that hot and sexy size and strength.
It was going to be all she could do to keep her hands off of him… and they were only going to get something to eat.
“Heaven help me,” she mumbled under her breath.
He paused at her side. “Did you say something?”
She flashed him a smile. “Nope, nothing.”
The look he gave her said he knew she was lying, but not what she was up to. Lord save her from observant men. She was going to need a lot of help.
Chapter 3
They made a quick stop at Hildie’s apartment so she could change shoes and headed back out for food even though Hildie said she was perfectly happy heating up leftovers.
“I’d like to think I can provide something as good as leftovers.”
She gave him an arch look. “They are pretty spectacular.” Before he could ask, she continued. “My neighbor, Howie, he makes the most amazing yellow curry. We met when I literally knocked on his door to ask him what he was cooking. The scent was driving me crazy.” She laughed, her shoulders shaking as she held her hand to her chest. “He must have thought I was some kind of crazy serial killer version of Goldilocks ready to steal the porridge and run out his front door with the pot in my hot little hands.”
Jake knew he wasn’t laughing, but he hoped he was at least giving her a smile that looked pleasant.
“I’m sure he was happy for the company. It’s not every day a beautiful woman comes knocking on your door. I bet he didn’t let you leave without getting your number.”
“Well of course we exchanged numbers, we’re neighbors. Oh, my neighbor!” Turning in her seat, Hildie looked at him. “I could call Howie, and I could sit over at his place to watch for shock symptoms.”
They came to a stop light and honestly, he was glad. “Are you trying to get rid of me?”
Hildie flushed a little. “I don’t like being taken care of when there are so many more important things that you have to do. Right?”
He looked at the lights and saw the crosswalk counting down.
“Can we at least get to a place with food before you figure out your exit strategy?”
He could tell that he’d startled her by the slight widening o
f her eyes, but the light changed and he had to drive.
They’d gone two blocks down the street before he heard her speak again.
“I just don’t want to be a burden.”
Jake reached out and gave her hand a squeeze. “You’re not a burden, Hildie. Nothing close to it. Okay?”
He felt her relax under his hand and then, with every ounce of self-preservation he had, he lifted his hand back onto the wheel.
He was glad that his time as a deputy had given him a vast knowledge of hole-in-the-wall eateries. He’d spent his last few months in this area of San Antonio, and that’s why he knew he would pull into the parking lot in front of Hermano’s and find it packed. However, the alley was big enough for him to park and allow doors on both sides to open.
“Let me come around and get you.”
He noticed that she opened her mouth and then shut it again, but he’d take whatever chance he could just to get her to sit down at a table with him for a few minutes. He hustled around to her side and opened the door. “How is your head feeling? Pain? Dizzy?”
Her lips lifted at one side while she took a minute to think. She ended up giving him a little smile. “Good. Nothing off or strange…er than usual.”
He was relieved. “Good. Let’s get you food.”
“Food,” she took the arm he offered and slid down to the ground. “Food is always good.”
It only took them a handful of steps to get to the front of the building and he opened the door.
She saw the gesture and smiled. “Thanks.”
His reply was lost when Miguel called out a greeting from the kitchen. “Grab a seat!”
Jake waved at his friend and led Hildie to a table close to the open kitchen where they could converse with Miguel.
Hildie didn’t make an issue about him holding out her chair, but the smile she gave him made his heart kick up and beat a little faster.
She was already perusing the menu on the screens above their heads. “Wow. I love that they put up pictures. Everything looks yummy.”
“Well, I can tell you that everything is good. I was in this area when I was with SAPD. I had more than my share of meals from here. My roommate was dating Miguel’s sister at the time so when it was his turn to ‘cook’ we would end up with Miguel’s food on the table.”
Miguel continued the story. “When he married her, my business took a big hit. She cooks at home for him now.” He gave Jake a nod. “At least I still have him once or twice a week.”
“Really?” Hildie gave Miguel a curious look. “Does he help make up the difference?”
Miguel shook his head and sighed in a fashion that any actor would be proud of. “Some, but I know one day he’ll leave the nest and marry too. You’d be surprised at how much of my business comes from bachelors.”
Hildie laughed and clapped her hands together. “You know, I believe you. There’s something magical about tacos and burritos when it comes to men.”
Miguel nodded and gave Jake a smile. “Magical Miguel’s. I like it.”
Jake’s laugh was almost a bark. “You change your name to that and the ladies will be in here with dollar bills in their hands. ‘Magic Mike.’”
Miguel caught on in a heartbeat. “You think you’re coming up with a reason to steer me away from the name change, but if it gets a few new women in the door, I’m in!”
Hildie was deep in thought when Jake asked her what she wanted to order. “Umm… I’ll have what you’re having.”
Miguel looked at Jake before he asked her. “Are you sure?”
Without a care in the world, she shrugged and sat back in her chair, effortlessly folding one leg over the other. Jake was too busy trying not to look at the inch of skin she’d revealed just above her knee that once he finished making his own order, he had no clue exactly what had come out of his mouth.
But given the look on Hildie’s face, it had at least surprised her.
“What?” He looked at her form across the table.
“I don’t know,” she leaned her elbows on the table and looked over at Miguel in the kitchen before she turned back to him. “It’s just nice to see you ‘normal’ like this.”
“Well, I’m not sure what you mean by normal, but given the shock on your face and your smile, I like it too.”
“Look,” she leaned her forearms on the table and made sure she had his attention before she spoke, “I know I’m probably acting a little frazzled, but I really do want to thank you for being there today and helping us out of a…” she glanced up at the ceiling, seemingly searching for words, “a wild and crazy, one in a million, rock and a hard place moment.”
What could he say in return besides ‘wow,’ for the amazing ramble of words? “You don’t have to thank me, Hildie. It’s my-”
“If you say, ‘It’s my job, ma’am,’ I’m going to reach across this table and throttle you.”
“First,” his cheeks were starting to hurt from smiling at her, “you just threatened a Texas Ranger. I’m pretty sure I’m going to have to arrest you. And second, I was going to say, ‘It’s my pleasure.’”
The hard arch of one perfect eyebrow spoke volumes, but when she opened her sensuous mouth, he all but swallowed his tongue.
“I must be suffering from a little shock after all, because my mind keeps diving into the gutter when you say things. Just the sound of your voice in my head saying the word ‘pleasure’ is enough to make me want to fan myself with one of Miguel’s menus. And let’s not think too closely about the whole ‘arrested’ thing, because hey howdy, the idea of you breaking out your handcuffs is just a little too close to my fantasy life for comfort.”
He knew the exact moment that she realized what she had been saying… out loud.
It was when her cheeks turned cherry red under eyes that were saucer-wide.
“Oh, my heavens!” She turned her horrified look toward him and then Miguel, pushing back her chair as she stood and then quickly sat back down again. “Why didn’t someone stop me?”
Miguel spoke first, his shoulders shaking with laughter as he worked at the grill. “Me? I’m just cooking. Keeping my eyes and my attention on the food so you two can eat.”
Her gaze swiveled in Jake’s direction. “And what do you have to say for yourself? You’re the one who promised to watch out for me!”
“I promised to watch out for the symptoms of shock. Nowhere in anything I read does it say that letting your mouth run away with you is a symptom of that.”
The look she gave him would have stripped paint off the walls.
“Or, do I need to apologize?”
Miguel snorted as he worked at the grill. “You need to kiss that woman, and then when you folks get somewhere private, take out your cuffs and use them.”
“Oh my-” the rest of her words were lost when she laid her head in her hands.
Jake started to reach out to her, but he heard a little whistle from Miguel.
The cook was gesturing to the plates he had on the pass.
Getting out of his own seat, Jake walked over and stared at his friend.
Miguel waved him off. “Food first. If you want to romance her… or just frisk her later, go ahead. Just don’t do it on an empty stomach. Nothing less sexy on a man than a growling stomach in the middle of… you know.”
Jake gave his friend a smile. “Speaking from experience?”
Miguel winked. “Just give your woman some food.”
Jake picked up the plates and walked it over to the table.
He set his down easily, but Hildie still had her head down.
So, he bumped her arm gently with the round edge of the plate and then circled it around. “You’re going to have to sit up eventually if you want to eat.”
She didn’t lift her head so he had to guess at her words. “I’m fine right here.”
“Okay.” He set the plate down off to the side of the square table and sat down in his chair. Jake didn’t waste any time cutting
into the first pepper on his plate, and by the time he’d chewed and swallowed the first bite he saw Hildie looking up at him with an odd mixture of emotions on her face. There was still the hint of murder in her eyes, but there was something else too.
It just wasn’t for him.
“Decided you’re hungry after all, hmm?”
That brought up a corner of her mouth in a smirk. “Of course. I was hungry before I even got to the courthouse. I’m hungry all the time,” she sighed.
“Then why that look?”
“What look?” She was sitting up straight in her chair looking at him as if she wasn’t quite sure if he was trying to bait her.
“You’re staring at my mouth.” He couldn’t help the self-satisfied smile on his lips. Maybe he could convince her to go out with him after all.
“Oh?” She sat up even straighter, and he heard some grumbling from the kitchen.
If he was going to crash and burn, he was going to be able to relive it again and again every time he came into Miguel’s place. “You noticed that, hmm?”
He shrugged. “Texas Ranger. We’re supposed to notice things.”
The half-strangled laugh from the kitchen brought a smile to Hildie’s lips.
Setting down his fork, Jake leaned his forearm on the edge of the table. “Yeah, really.”
She set her hands down on the tabletop and got out of her seat, leaning closer and closer to him.
He had a moment of anticipation and confusion until she reached out her hand and plucked something from his chin.
Jake watched as she dropped a long tendril of melted cheese into her napkin.
“Did you notice that?”
Miguel’s laughter continued until he stepped into the pantry and swung the door shut.
“You know I didn’t.” He let out a sigh. “Now, what do I have to do to keep that quiet.”
Both shrugging and smiling, Hildie finally moved her plate onto the space right before her chair. “We’ll have to see.”
Before he could argue, she cut a piece of the stuffed chili pepper from the whole with the side of her fork and placed it in her mouth. “Yum,” her tone was muffled as she started to chew, “mmm.”